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After checking and adjusting each component, do an operational check with screws loaded.
If any abnormality is found, make the said adjustments once again in addition to the rail vibration and
front/rear position adjustments.
After completing the operational check, return the wiring arrangement to its original status.
When installing the cover, take care not to catch or pinch the wires.
Watch that the wiring does not hinder the operation of this machine.
Operational check
Application with Robotic System
Installation with Robotic System
When installed with a robotic assembly, the screw feeder shall be fastened by
lower edges of the cover. (Please refer to diagram on the right side) Fastening
screws on bottom edge of the cover can be used for this purpose as well.
For screws entering cover of the feeder, please use screws less than 5mm in
fixing method
fixing screws(M2.6)