www.oes-scoreboards.com | 1.877.652.5833
4056 Blakie Rd., London ON Canada N6L 1P7
Rev: ISC9000_j12.0_1.3
Issued: 2021-10-21
Page 8 of 44
SPLASH SCEEN (Displays for 2 seconds)
Shows OES contact information.
STATUS SCREEN (Displays for 2 seconds)
Shows program revision and date.
Shows controller operation mode.
WIRELESS COMMUNICATION (Displays up to 60 seconds)
Press ENTER button to use confirm.
MEMORY RECALL (Displays up to 60 seconds)
Press CLEAR button to start a new game.
Press ENTER button to use game data saved from last time unit was on.
If CLEAR or ENTER buttons are not pressed within 60 seconds, a new game is automatically selected.
Controller proceeds to game mode after this.