www.oes-scoreboards.com | 1.877.652.5833
4056 Blakie Rd., London ON Canada N6L 1P7
Rev: ISC9000_j12.0_1.3
Issued: 2021-10-21
Page 38 of 44
Use the keypad set the hour and press ENTER. Set the minutes and press ENTER. Press the CLEAR
button to toggle between AM and PM, and then press ENTER to continue to the day.
Using the CLEAR button, scroll through days of the week and press ENTER to continue. Use the keypad
to select the day, month and year, pressing ENTER for each field. Once the year is accepted, you will
be taken back to game mode.
**If you accidentally typed the wrong time or date and pressed ENTER already to continue the selection. There is
no way to go back in the menu you must keep click ENTER to go through the entire menu and then return to this
settings to start it over**