www.oes-scoreboards.com | 1.877.652.5833
4056 Blakie Rd., London ON Canada N6L 1P7
Rev: ISC9000_j12.0_1.3
Issued: 2021-10-21
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SHIFT / SEG – Enables the SHIFT TIMER or the SEGMENT TIMER or neither.
STD WRESTLING VARIABLE DISPLAY – This will change the variable display on the scoreboard to show
either match or advantage time. Only displayed on specific scoreboards.
AUTO SAVES- Select if the SAVES is manually entered or automatically calculated. The automatic
calculation is the difference between opponents SHOTS and your SCORE value.
TRY – Multiplier for Try to add to the score. Max value is 9
CNV – Multiplier for Converts to add to the score. Max value is 9
PEN – Multiplier for Penalty to add to the score. Max value is 9
FGS – Multiplier for Field Goals to add to the score. Max value is 9