EX Series Operating Manual
8. Error Messages
About error explanation. You can confirm the error by using front panel's "ERROR I/O Local" key
or PC remote nterface.(Refer to "SYST:ERR?" command.)
+0,"No error"
No error state.
8-1. Operating Error
-10, "Invalid the DAC parameter"
In case of out of DAC memory section, it is different between setting value and real output
value and at that time , you must remove the DUT.
It is caused from wrong calibration data Please operate calibration one more
It is caused from wrong calibration data. Please operate calibration one more.
Refer to "4. CALIBRATION" .
8-2. Hardware Error
-200, "System interface error"
It appears when SCPI Module is out of order.
201 "ADC
f il d"
-201, "ADC operating failed"
It appears when circuit of ADC part is out of order.
-202, "Front panel operating failed"
It appears when front panel does not respose.
-255, "Error not define"
It appears when unknown error occurs.
8-3. Remote Calibration Error
Refer to "4-6. Remote Interface Calibration.".
-20, "Ignored min run under volt"
0, Ignored min run under volt
If you set the "max" command or value input of calibration without voltage "Min"
calibration operating at first.
Procedure : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
-21, "Ignored min save under volt"
If you set the "max" command without "Value" of voltage "Min" calibration operating.
Procedure : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
-22, "Invalid min value use under volt"
After sent the command of voltage "Min" value and then you sent the value command without
"Max" command calibration operating.
Procedure : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
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