11 Mea
urement Procedure
Instruction Manual Easyfield® (GA/15000/XXXX/EN 1219 Rev01)
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Click in the "Correction" field. The following screen appears:
If you know the patient's refraction values: Enter the values into the
fields in the „trial Lens Rx“ group box.
Confirm by clicking [OK].
If you don‘t know the patient's refraction values: Activate the „Calculate
from Distance Rx“ chekcbox.
Enter the values into the fields in the „trial Lens Rx“ group box.
The following screen appears:
Enter the patient's previously determined refraction values into the
fields in the "Current Distance Rx" group box.
The values for the corrective lenses that are to be used are displayed
in the fields of the "Trial Lens Rx" group box.
Confirm by clicking [OK].
Fig. 11-1: Input of the known refraction values
Fig. 11-2: Input of the correction when the checkbox [Calculate from Distance Rx] is