INSTALLATION | Appliance installation
34 | 982000-AIR-M2-M4-EN03.1
10.4 Electrical connection
10.4.1 General
WARNING: Electrocution
Before commencing work on electrical connections
and installation, the heat pump system must be
isolated and voltage-free.
WARNING: Electrocution
Work on electrical connections and installation may
be conducted only by qualified contractors.
WARNING: Electrocution
Before commissioning, the necessary fault pro-
tection measures on the system and the earth
connection must be checked by an authorised
It is essential that the regulations of the responsible
power supply utility (PSU) and the applicable EN
standards be observed.
Before commencing work to connect up the power
supply, the necessary activities defined in „Preparing
the electrical connections“ on page 22 must have
been completed.
For the electrical connection, use the system principle
schematic appropriate to your heat pump system from
section „System schematic diagrams“ on page 68.
10.4.2 Electrical connection of the indoor unit
Remove the control box cover (see „Disassembling
the appliance casing“ on page 26).
Undo and remove the four nuts on the two metal
plates at the cable entries.
Remove the two metal plates at the cable entries to
gain access to the cable strain reliefs.
When fitting the cables in the indoor unit, ensure
that subsequent connection work and soldering on
the refrigerant lines will not be obstructed by the
For the shielded cables between the outdoor and
indoor units, use the shielding clamps provided on
the control box panel.
For the cables inside the control box on the indoor
unit, use the cable strain reliefs provided.
Connect the lead for suction gas sensor S2 (coming
from the outdoor unit) to the terminal provided.
Connect the cable for the stepper motor of expansion
valve A (located in the outdoor unit) directly to the
free terminal on the expansion valve controller (EVD).
Be sure that each wire is connected correctly accord-
ing to its colour.
Connect the leads for defrost sensors TQE and TQA
directly to the OTE controller.
Connect the fan speed lead (0-10 VDC) directly to the
OTE controller.
Connect the temperature sensors required by your
system (TA, TPO, TPM, TMK, TB) directly to the OTE
Connect the external pumps and servomotors re-
quired by your system (switching module, mixing
valve) directly to the OTE controller.
For external pumps and servomotors, use the PE
terminals on the relevant OTE plug.