3.2.0 Alarm ([MENU] Button
The Alarm function is designed to trigger specific pre-programmed function of the Easy-
Trak™ PTZ dome camera when there are changes in the input statuses. The PTZ dome
camera reports the alarm state to the Controller Keyboard.
Press the [Menu] button on the Controller Keyboard and the OSD Main menu appears
on the screen. Select the ‘ALARM’ option, then press the Joystick handle to the right to
access its sub-menu.
As indicated above, to set any sophisticated functions, such as Pattern, Scan, or Tour, you
must set the ‘Pri’ (Priority) to zero. It is important to note that when an Alarm is triggered
at two separate locations simultaneously, the camera can only follow one direction at a
time. And because of this, it is recommended that all priority numbers be different across
8 alarm inputs.
There are total of 9 levels (Including 0) of priority. Levels 1~8 supports Presets
(Pxx) only. However, the highest priority level ‘0,’ supports higher functions such as Pat-
tern (Pxx), Scan (Axx), and Tour (Txx).
3.2 Programming the Alarm
No (Number):
Alarm Input Number
Fun (Function):
001 ~ 240 (Preset) / T01 ~ T04 (Tour) / A01 ~ A08
(Scan) / P01 ~ P04 (Pattern)
Priority 0 (Pattern, Scan, Tour)
Pri (Priority):
Lower Number = Higher Priority
Priority 1 ~ 8 (Preset) / Priority 0 (Pattern, Scan, Tour)
NO/NC - Normally Open/Closed, OFF - Ignore
R01 - Relay Out 1 / R02 - Relay Out 2 / OFF
- No Input
Hld (Held):
01~99 sec. (Alarm held time)
ON (Shows ALL Alarms including past Alarm),