Opening Map …………………………………… 206
Material List ………………………………………… 20
Media Player ……………………………………… 195
Available file formats ………………………… 195
Copying Music Files and Videos ………… 195
Opening ………………………………………… 196
Playing Music ………………………………… 197
Playing Videos ………………………………… 199
Setting …………………………………………… 203
Using Playlists ………………………………… 200
Message …………………………………………… 115
Missed Call ………………………………………… 102
mobacas …………………………………………… 170
mobacas antenna ……………………………… 37
Scheduling ……………………………………… 174
Searching for programs/content ………… 173
Settings ………………………………………… 175
Viewing programs/content ………………… 171
Viewing the viewing screen ……………… 172
mopera U …………………………………………… 132
Navigation ………………………………………… 208
Network Mode …………………………………… 234
Network security code ………………………… 143
Notebook …………………………………………… 226
Notification icons ………………………………… 60
Notification Panel ………………………………… 61
Sending My profile …………………………… 155
Initializing ………………………………………… 147
Initial Settings ……………………………………… 51
Intellectual Property Right …………………… 270
Internal battery …………………………………… 261
Life …………………………………………………… 42
INTERNAL STORAGE…………………………… 137
International Roaming (WORLD WING) …… 227
JOJO Calculator ………………………………… 212
JOJO Camera …………………………………… 190
Language & input ……………………………… 145
Latitude …………………………………………… 207
Location services ……………………… 141, 205
Lock Screen ………………………………… 46, 135
Main Specifications …………………………… 259
Making an international call …………………… 97
Calls to fixed-line telephone ………………… 98
Calls to mobile phone ………………………… 98
Maps ………………………………………………… 206
Get directions ………………………………… 207
Appendix / Index