Displaying/Editing/Managing Data
Copying Data from the FOMA
Terminal to the UIM
You can copy up to 50 FOMA terminal phonebook
entries and up to 20 SMS from the FOMA terminal to
the UIM (FOMA card).
Only the “name”, “reading”, “first phone number”, and
“first mail address” can be copied from the FOMA terminal
phonebook to the UIM phonebook. The reading is converted
from half-width katakana characters to full-width katakana
characters. If “+” is included in a phone number, it is deleted.
If a group with the same name exists in the UIM phonebook,
data is saved in it and if not, data is saved in group
You cannot copy the SMS report.
Example: Copying the FOMA terminal phonebook entries
From the FOMA terminal phonebook, select data
and press
The Function menu appears.
To copy all data
From the Function menu, select [Copy to UIM]
[Yes] and enter the Security code.
To copy several data
From the Function menu, select [Copy to UIM]
[Select©] and select data. Press
(Complete) and
select [Yes].
To copy SMS
Move the cursor to the mail in the mail list and from the
Function menu, select [Copy to UIM]
Select [Copy to UIM]
[Copy one]
[Yes] and
The selected data is copied.
Copying Data from the UIM to
the FOMA Terminal
You can copy UIM (FOMA card) phonebook data and
SMS from the UIM to the FOMA terminal.
The reading of the UIM phonebook is converted from full-
width katakana characters to half-width katakana characters.
If a group with the same name exists in the FOMA terminal
phonebook, data is saved in it and if not, data is saved in
Example: Copying the UIM phonebook entries
From the UIM phonebook, select data and press
The Function menu appears.
To copy all data
From the Function menu, select [Copy to Main]
[Yes] and enter the Security code.
To copy several data
From the Function menu, select [Copy to Main]
[Select©] and select data. Press
(Complete) and
select [Yes].
To copy SMS
Move the cursor to the mail in the mail list and from
the Function menu, select [Copy to Main]
Select [Copy to Main]
[Copy one]
[Yes] and
The selected data is copied.
Managing Data Box
<Data Box>
D a t a h a n d l e d b y t h e F O M A t e r m i n a l , s u c h a s
downloaded data and data recorded using the
camera, are saved in the categories of the Data Box:
My picture, MUSIC, i-motion, Melody, and Chara-den.
You can display/play back saved data any time.
You may not be able to operate some categories.
Data saved in the Data Box
Folder name
Contents of data
My picture
Images obtained from a site,
i-mode mail, or i-
I m a g e s re c o rd e d u s i n g t h e
camera of the FOMA terminal
Deco mail
Images that can be used when
you compose Deco-mail
Deco mail
Deco-mail pictograph
Stamp&Frame Images used for stamps/frames
Preinstalled images
Data transfer
Images scanned by the bar
code reader, images moved/
c o p i e d f r o m t h e m i c r o S D
memory card, images received
using infrared/iC communication,
and images retrieved from a PC,
User-created original playlist,
Chaku-Uta Full
obtained from a
Movie obtained from a site,
i-mode mail, or i-
M o v i e r e c o r d e d u s i n g t h e
camera of the FOMA terminal
Preinstalled movie
Data transfer
Movie moved/copied from the
microSD memory card, movie
r e c e i v e d u s i n g i n f r a r e d / i C
c o m m u n i c a t i o n , a n d m o v i e
retrieved from a PC, etc.
Melodies obtained from a site,
i-mode mail, or i-
Preinstalled melodies
Data transfer
M e l o d i e s s c a n n e d b y t h e
b a r c o d e re a d e r, m e l o d i e s
moved/copied from the microSD
memory card, melodies received
using infrared/iC communication,
and melodies retrieved from a
PC, etc.
Preinstalled Chara-den files,
Chara-den files downloaded
from a site
Summary of Contents for FOMA SO703i
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