The Envelopes Menu
External Audio To Effects (Menu Page 11)
This function determines where the external audio signal is fed into the
audio signal path. There are two possibilities.
1. Feeding External Audio Directly To The Effects
The external audio signal may be fed directly to the Effects section,
bypassing the Mixer, Filter and Envelopes. Once the input sensitivity has
been set for the input device (see Page 51), turn the the PERF / PROG /
DATA knob until the display shows
. The external signal should now be
heard at the outputs. It may now be processed by all of the various effects
including the EQ Filter.
2. Feeding External Audio Through The Filter
Setting this function to
, feeds the external audio signal into the
Mixer and Filter section. In order to hear the filtered signal, repeatedly
press the NOISE / RING / EXT button in the Mixer section until the EXT
INPUT LED lights and turn up the NOISE / RING / EXT knob. The
Amplifier also needs to be triggered by the Amp Envelope. This is done
either by playing a note on the keyboard, playing in a MIDI note message
from a sequencer, or setting the Amp Envelope to auto-trigger when an
external audio signal is present. See the function
Audio Input Triggering
described above for details on how to do this.
Once an external audio signal has passed through the Filter, it can still be
processed by the Effects section in the same manner as any other audio
source (Oscillator waveforms etc.).
See Page 51 for more details of using external audio signals.