Glossary — Scanning
Revision 1.02
Ping is a program used to test whether a particular network destination on the Internet is
available, or online, by repeatedly bouncing a signal off the specified destination’s address
and evaluating how long it takes for the signal to make a round trip.
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
PPP is an interconnection protocol which allows a device, such as a wireless IP modem, to
connect to a network or the Internet.
Primary Domain Name System
In order to get the translated IP addresses, the modem will try to connect to the server with
the primary DNS address. If the modem cannot connect to this address, it will try to connect
using the secondary DNS address.
Push Technology
Push technology is a means by which your network service provider can send you information
without you having to first select and request it. Push technology may be e-mail, news pages
from a specific website, and so forth.
Push Messaging
Push messaging allows you to receive messages from your network even if you are not
currently connected with point-to-point protocol (PPP).
Push Message Notification
Push message notification refers to information that is automatically sent to you, regarding
changes in data on the Internet (your news pages, e-mail, etc.) as it takes place.
Radio Frequency (RF) Channel
An electromagnetic transmission facility with defined frequency response, gain and
bandwidth, or more simply, a path of communication between two or more points. The
Minstrel m500 must connect to an RF channel in order for the user to access the Internet.
In order to send and receive data across the Internet, a CDPD modem must first register to
the CDPD network. This involves the selection of an appropriate channel to use and the
interaction with various systems in the CDPD network to set up a path for communication.
Remote Access Status
The Remote Access Status window provides an interface to the Apple® Remote Access
Client by displaying status and control buttons. This window can be accessed from the Apple
menu on the desktop.
RSSI (received signal strength indicator)
RSSI refers to the strength of the signal being received by the wireless IP network.
The Merlin™ wireless IP modem will look for the best cellular channel to use for data
transmission by scanning through the channels. This involves measuring the signal strength
of various channels to determine which is the strongest and, therefore, most reliable.