Digital Telephone IP Adapter Installation and Administration Guide
Digital Telephone IP Adapter description
Standard 3.0
Notes for M39xx series digital telephone sets:
To label the Local Keys on M3902 digital telephone sets, use the options
key on the digital telephone set itself.
If you downgrade the host PBX to a release prior to X11 release 25.40, you
must also downgrade any new or upgraded M39xx digital telephone sets so
that the Meridian 1 PBX can support them. This applies to digital telephone
sets attached to Remote Gateway 9100 Series units and Extended Digital
Line Cards.
The M3904 digital telephone set Key Map fails using Virtual Office on
Remote Gateway 9100 Series. Upgrade the digital telephone set’s firmware
to version 8.3 to resolve this problem.
Uploading and downloading M3904 and M3905 firmware requires the
most recent digital telephone set hardware. To resolve problems following
firmware uploads and downloads, including missing functionality, refer to
the User Guide and Release Notes for your particular digital telephone set.
Flash upgrade download times to remote M39xx digital telephone sets over
an IP network with low delay and packet loss are comparable to PBX wired