NORDAC SK 5xxE Manual
About this document
BU 0500 GB
Designation: BU 0500 EN
Mat. No.: 607 50 01
Device series: SK 5xxE (SK 500E, SK 505E, SK 510E, SK 520E, SK 530E, SK 535E)
Version list
Designation of previous
BU 0500 DE, March 2005
V 1.1 R1
First issue based on BU 0750 DE
BU 0500 DE, May 2005
V 1.1 R2
Revision, supplementation and correction
BU 0500 DE, June 2005
V 1.2 R0
Supplementation and correction P220, additionally
P466/P554 EMC standards
BU 0500 DE, August 2005
V 1.2 R0
Jumper illustration mains/motor, information on array levels
with SK TU3-PAR, P107 lifting gear, P215, P420...425 +
P470 terminal numbers
BU 0500 DE, December 2005
V 1.3 R1
Brake resistance, NED address, Caution hot, output current
2.2kW/230V, P415 process controller, radio interference
suppression level 400V, E13.2 supplemented
BU 0500 DE, May 2006
Mat. No. 607 5001 / 1806
V 1.4 R0
Switchover of nominal voltage/current value is reversed,
Section 2.9 illustration corrected, new parameter P534
Error 12.1 and 12.2, P513 adjustment range extended.
BU 0500 DE, October 2006
Mat. No. 607 5001 / 4006
V 1.5 R0
115V devices, information on repairs, P218, P400/546=46,
P420-425=3-Wire-Control, P520 fmin, P543=22, P748 -01,
UL-Data Sect 7.5, 3-Wire-Control (Fct. P420-425)
BU 0500 DE, May 2007
Mat. No. 607 5001 / 2207
V 1.6 R0
Note on SK530E integrated, DIP switch 485/CAN, EMV kit,
further details in P744-746, E004 extended to error 4.1,
BU 0500 DE, August 2007
Mat. No. 607 5001 / 3307
V 1.6 R0
UL text, note on functional safety “pulse lock”, P217
vibration damping, P219, value range P414, P418=33,
P420…425=71/72, P509=10, P515, P533, P535 extended,
P551, P552. P557 extended, P559 to 30 sec., P737
extended, parameter overview expanded by P6xx
BU 0500 DE, February 2008
Mat. No. 607 5001 / 0808
V 1.7 R0
External 24V supply (SK 5x5E) CP=Cold Plate version,
push-through technique, SK TU3-POT, KTY-84 function
Section 4.3/P400/405, P551 corrected, evaluate HTL
sensor via DIN (P421/423, P461, P462, P463), P560
correction, E013.2 / E018 corrected
BU 0500 DE, Mai 2008
Mat. Nr. 607 5001 / 2008
V 1.7 R0
RoHS-conform, WAGO-RJ45 terminals, Ri analog input,
P434/441/450/455=18 FI ready, dimensions external heat
sink technology, addresses
Published by
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf- Diesel- Str. 1
D-22941 Bargteheide
Tel49 (0) 45 32 / 401-0
Fax +49 (0) 45 32 / 401-555