Service Software Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 28
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
Issue 1 06/00
Initialise command
Status Bar Text
Alt, P, I
Opens a sub menu which contains the following options:
Normal Mode
Status Bar Text
Alt, P, I, N
Initialises phone to normal mode
When normal mode has been activated or program has been started, self-test results will
be asked from MCU. If fault was found in the tests, an error message is shown. If normal
mode has been set successfully (no self test error has been found), and paging listening
has been started, the used AFC value is requested from MS.
Initialisation routine checks phone’s cellular type and if unsupported phone is detected,
application unloads the DLLs.
The After Sales SW sets automatically the MS state to normal mode when needed.
If phone identification view is open, window will be automatically updated. Also if RF
Information Window is open it will be updated to quick info view.
When phone is changed to an other but phone type does not change, user may
select Product/Initialise/Normal Mode instead of Product/New.
Local Mode
Status Bar Text
Alt, P, I, L
Initialises phone to local mode
Selection will change the MS state to
. When user selects item from Testing or Tun-
ing menus, the After Sales SW software will change automatically the MS state to local.
The After Sales SW sets automatically the MS state to normal mode when needed.
Also if quick info view is open it will be updated to RF Information view.