PAMS Technical Documentation
Service Software Instructions
Issue 1 06/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
Page 87
Drop down list box (ALT+M):
User can select correct market area for phone. With this selection correct image and
PPM files are loaded to edit fields. Usually this is the correct way to select files to be
MCU Image File group:
Edit field (read only):
Displays path of image file to be flashed.
Opens Open File dialog, with which user can select an image file to be flashed to ME.
If user selects OK button, the name of selected file is copied to Flash Image edit field.
Usually you should use Market Area list box to select Image file.
PPM group:
Edit field (read only):
Displays path of PPM package file to be flashed.
Opens Open File dialog, with which user can select a PPM package file to be flashed
to ME. If user selects OK button, the name of selected file is copied to PPM Image edit
field. Usually you should use Market Area list box to select PPM file.
Version in File edit field (read only):
MCU SW version string of the PPM package.
Package Versions edit field (read only):
Lists the file versions of PPM package.
Flash button (ALT+F):
Starts flashing selected files to phone. Before flashing asks, does user want to save all
user settings to file (and load them after flashing). If reading user settings to ME or
writing them to ME failed, Restore Default User Settings dialog is opened and user
can restore default settings to phone.
If settings are saved but flashing fails or for some other reason setting are not
loaded back to phone, the saved settings can be loaded phone later. When settings
are saved they are also copied to files which names are generated from phone PSN.