4.8 Sweep Setting and Manipulation
Single-shot shuttle sweep
j) To output the waveform only during sweep execution
Gated single-shot
Set [SwpMode] (sweep mode) on the 2nd page of the setting screen to [Gated] (gated single-
shot). This operation combines gated oscillation and sweep, with sweep execution in
synchronization with a trigger.
Since a trigger signal is required, set the trigger signal with [Trig] (trigger) on the 2nd page.
For the trigger setting procedure,
p. 90.
Oscillation start/stop phase
The oscillation start/stop phase setting is done with [Phase] (phase) on the 1st page of the
setting screen.
However, during phase sweep, the start phase setting is the oscillation start phase, and the
stop phase setting is the oscillation stop phase.
Stop level (normally set to [Off])
To set the level while the oscillation is stopped separately from the phase, set [StpLvl] (stop
level) on the 3rd page of the setting screen to [On] (on) and set the level with a % value using
the amplitude full scale as reference. Normally, [Off] (off) is set. When [Off] is selected, the
signal level while oscillation is stopped is determined by the phase set in [Phase] on the 1st
page of the setting screen. For details on the stop level,
p. 112.
Oscillation stop unit (normally set to [Cycle] (1 cycle))
To stop oscillation in half-cycle units, set [OscStop] (oscillation stop unit) on the 3rd page of
the setting screen to [HalfCycle] (half cycle). Normally, set to [Cycle] (1 cycle). When [Cycle]
(1 cycle) is set, whole integer cycle oscillation results.
When oscillation is stopped, it always stops either in 1-cycle or half-cycle units according to
the [OscStop] (oscillation stop unit) setting, and the oscillation time is usually longer than
the sweep time setting.
Sweep value
Frequency sweep example
Start value
Sweep time
Stop value
Sweep time