Remote setting [Remote]
Selects GPIB/USB and sets the GPIB address. The USB ID is also displayed.
Selecting Remote Interface [Remote]” in the Application Instruction Manual.
Display setting [Display]
Sets the backlight of the display.
“8.2 Display Settings [Display]” in the Application
Instruction Manual.
Modify direction setting [Modify Direction]
Sets the movement direction when the modify knob is turned.
“8.3 Modify Knob and
Modify Direction Setting [Modify Direction]” in the Application Instruction Manual.
Operation sound setting [Sound]
Sets the operation sound.
“8.4 Operation Sound Setting [Sound]” in the Application
Instruction Manual.
Self-check [Self Check]
Performs internal status check.
“8.5 Self Check [Self Check]” in the Application
Instruction Manual.
Internal information display [Information]
Displays the firmware version and latest calibration date.
“8.6 Product Information
Display [Information]” in the Application Instruction Manual.
Channel mode setting [Channel Mode] (WF1974 only)
Sets the type of 2-channel ganged operation. Independent, 2-phase, constant frequency
difference, constant frequency ratio, and differential output can be selected from.
Maintaining Both Channels to Same Frequency (2-Channel Ganged Operation, 2-Phase)”,
“3.5 Keeping Frequency Difference Constant (2-Channel Ganged Operation, 2-Tone)”, “3.6
Keeping Frequency Ratio Constant (2-Channel Ganged Operation, Ratio)”, and “3.7
Obtaining Differential Output (2-Channel Ganged Operation, Differential)” in the
Application Instruction Manual.
Inter-channel parameter copy [Parameter Copy] (WF1974 only)
Copies the settings between channels.
“3.1 Copying Settings Between Channels” in the
Application Instruction Manual.
2-channel same value setting On/Off [Both] (WF1974 only)
Switches on/off setting of the same value for both channels.
“3.2 Unifying Settings of 2
Channels” in the Application Instruction Manual.