432-0003-00-10 Rev 150 — M-Series Operator’s Manual
M-Series System Configuration
Point Mode only has significance when stabilization is also enabled (see
page 48). The mechanical stabilization has two aspect: horizontal (azimuth) and
vertical (elevation). Enabling point mode turns off the horizontal (pan) stabilization
while retaining the tilt stabilization.
This can be helpful when you want to use M-Series as an aide to navigation and
keep the camera pointing in the same position relative to the vessel as it turns.
For example, you may have stabilization enabled and have set the camera to
point straight ahead relative to the front of the vessel. If the vessel is turned at a
sharp angle under these conditions, the camera will attempt to maintain previous
pointing direction. Enabling point mode keeps the camera in sync with the boat
direction while maintaining a stable elevation position.
When point mode is enabled, a lock icon displays. The camera’s azimuth position
is now locked to the base. When you disable point mode, the unlock icon displays
momentarily. The camera always starts up with point mode disabled.
Enable Point Mode
Video Setup
Set Symbology
User Programmable Button
System Setup
<Press Puck to Select>