Netstor | 13
Navigation Map of the LCD
Panel LED
Normal Status
Problem Indication
Power LED
Bright green
This LED does not light up
after power switched on
Busy LED (Host
Blink green during host
computer accessing 6Gb/s
SAS JBOD enclosure
LED never flickers
Fault LED
Solid red
3.2 Navigation Map of the LCD
The password option allows user to set or clear 6Gb/s SAS JBOD enclosure’s password
protection feature. Once the password has been set, the user can only monitor and configure
6Gb/s SAS JBOD enclosure by providing the correct password. The password is used to
protect 6Gb/s SAS JBOD enclosure from unauthorized entry. 6Gb/s SAS JBOD enclosure will
check the password only when entering the main menu from the initial screen. 6Gb/s SAS
JBOD enclosure will automatically go back to the initial screen when it does not receive any
command in 5 minutes. 6Gb/s SAS JBOD enclosure’s default password is 0000.
The following flow is an expansion of LCM setup option items hierarchical menu.