User Manual for NRSW version
5.4.6. Multicast
Multicast routing (MCR) can be configured and managed by a daemon. Only one MCR daemon can
be used at a time.
NetModule routers ship with two different MCR daemons to select from depending on your dependen-
Administrative Status
IGMP proxy
Forwarding of multicast messages that are dynamically detected on a
given interface to another interface
static routes
List of MCR rules to forward messages of dedicated source and group
from a given interface to another
Disable routing of multicast messages
IGMP proxy
IGMP proxy which is able to maintain multicast groups on a particular interface and distribute incoming
multicast packets towards the downstream interfaces on which hosts have joined the groups.
Multicast Routing Settings
Administrative status
Specifies whether multicast routing is active
Incoming interface
The upstream interface on which multicast groups are joined and on
which multicast packets come in
Distribute to
Specifies the downstream interfaces to which multicast packets will
be forwarded
Static Routes
Routes multicast messages in different directions depending on their origin and group based on a
given set of MCR rules:
Static Multicast Route
IP address of MCR group
Source-IP of the packets
Incoming interface
Interface to listen on for messages of given group and source
Outgoing interface
Interface to forward the messages to