NetComm Wireless 3G Light Industrial M2M Router
The following is an example of a response from the get plmnscan SMS command:
plmnscan:505,3,7,vodafone AU,4;505,3,1,vodafone AU,1;505,2,7,YES OPTUS,1;505,2,1,YES OPTUS,1;505,1,1,Telstra
Mobile,1;505,1,7,Telstra Mobile,1
Indicates a 3G network
Indicates a 2G network
Table 27 - Network types returned by get plmnscan SMS command
Indicates an available operator which may be selected.
Indicates a forbidden operator which may not be selected (applies only to generic SIM cards).
Indicates the currently selected operator.
Table 28 - Operator status codes returned by get plmnscan SMS command
Notes about the network connection status when using the get plmnscan command:
If the connection status is Up and connection mode is Always on, the get plmnscan SMS will cause the
connection to disconnect, perform the scan, send the result through SMS and then bring the connection back up
again. If the connection status is Down, the router will perform the PLMN scan, send the result and keep the
connection status down.
If the connection status is Waiting and connection mode is Connect on demand, the get plmnscan SMS will
change the connection status to Down, perform the scan, send the result through SMS and then restore the
connection status to the Waiting state.
If the connection status is Up and connection mode is Connect on demand, the get plmnscan SMS will cause
the connection to disconnect, perform the scan, send the result through SMS, and then restore the connection
status to the Waiting state unless there is a traffic which triggers a connection in which case the connection
status will be set to Up.
Setting the router to connect to a network
The router can be instructed by SMS to connect to one of the networks returned by the get plmnscan command. The set forceplmn
command forces the router to connect to a specified operator network (if available) while the get forceplmn command retrieves the
currently configured network on the router.
Command format:
set forceplmn=0|MCC,MNC| MCC,MNC,Network Type
For example:
set forceplmn=0
Sets the selection of operator and network type to automatic mode.
set forceplmn=505,3
Sets the operator to a manual selection made by the user where “505” is the Mobile Country Code for Australia and “3” is
the Mobile Network Code for Vodafone. As no network type (i.e. 3G or 2G) is specified, it is selected automatically.
set forceplmn=505,3,7
Sets the operator and network type to a manual selection made by the user where “505” is the Mobile Country Code for
Australia, “3” is the Mobile Network Code for Vodafone and “7” is the 3G network type.