NetComm Wireless 3G Light Industrial M2M Router
IO configuration
The NWL-12 Series Router is equipped with a 6-way terminal block connector providing 3 identical multipurpose inputs and outputs
as well as a dedicated ignition input. These inputs and outputs may be independently configured for various functions, including:
NAMUR (EN 60947-5-6 / IEC 60947-5-6) compatible proximity sensor input
Proximity sensor input for use with contact closure (open/closed) type of sensors (PIR sensors, door/window sensors
for security applications) with the input tamper detection possible (four states detected: open, closed, short and break)
by the use of external resistors
Analogue 0V to 30V input
Digital input (the I/O voltage measured by the iMX283 LRADC and the software making decision about the input state)
with the threshold levels configurable in software
Open collector output.
Use the pull up voltage options to select the desired output voltage of the I/O pins. The pull up voltage you select will be the same
for each pin when pull up is enabled for that pin. Each pin is capable of outputting either 3.3V or 8.2V.
Figure 88 – IO configuration options
IO configuration
IO Functionality
Enables the configuration of the input and output pins on the Six-way terminal block.
Pull up voltage
Specifies the output voltage of the I/O pins.
IO Manager Debug level
Use the slide bar to adjust the level of detail you would like to see in the log for IO messages. A
higher debug level displays more detailed messages in the log file.
Per pin configuration
The I/O pin number corresponding to the pin on the terminal block.
The mode of operation for the corresponding pin. Available options are Digital input, Digital output,
Analogue input, Namur input, Contact closure input.
Pull up
Use the pull up toggle keys to turn the pull up on or off for the corresponding pin. When turned on,
the pull up voltage output is the value specified in the “Pull up voltage” option.
The value column displays whether the voltage detected on the line is low or high or allows you to
configure the output value in the case that the pin is set to digital output This can be useful for
applications where monitoring of the transition between low and high is used to trigger an action.
Table 19 - IO configuration options