function properly:
3. Select
Scan System
from the displayed menu to enable running the diagnostics tests.
4. Select
Test system
from the displayed menu to run diagnostics tests.
5. Proceed based on the result of the preceding step:
If the scan show problems, correct the issue, and then rerun the scan.
If the scan reported no failures, select Reboot from the menu to reboot the system.
Restore the controller module to operation after running diagnostics
After completing diagnostics, you must recable the system, give back the controller
module, and then reenable automatic giveback.
1. Recable the system, as needed.
If you removed the media converters (QSFPs or SFPs), remember to reinstall them if you are using fiber
optic cables.
2. Return the node to normal operation by giving back its storage:
storage failover giveback
3. If automatic giveback was disabled, reenable it:
storage failover modify -node local -auto
-giveback true
Return the failed part to NetApp
After you replace the part, you can return the failed part to NetApp, as described in the
RMA instructions shipped with the kit. Contact technical support at
, 888-
463-8277 (North America), 00-800-44-638277 (Europe), or +800-800-80-800
(Asia/Pacific) if you need the RMA number or additional help with the replacement
Replace a PCIe card - AFF A320
To replace a PCIe card, you must disconnect the cables from the cards, remove the SFP
and QSFP modules from the cards before removing the riser, reinstall the riser, and then
reinstall the SFP and QSFP modules before cabling the cards.
• You can use this procedure with all versions of ONTAP supported by your system
• All other components in the system must be functioning properly; if not, you must contact technical support.
Shut down the impaired node
To shut down the impaired node, you must determine the status of the node and, if
necessary, take over the node so that the healthy node continues to serve data from the
impaired node storage.
About this task
If you have a cluster with more than two nodes, it must be in quorum. If the cluster is not in quorum or a healthy