WorldPhone Liberator – Chapter 4. Data Service
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Advanced functions: Access control cont’d
Access control cont’d
Restricted dialing
The Worldphone provides three choices of controlling calls:
No restrictions.
Barred list
, which may contain up to 10 phone numbers or part of
numbers that
can not
be called. F.ex. the entry "0087" in the
barred list prevents all mobile-to-mobile calls.
Dial from Book only
, which restricts calls to the numbers in the
Phone Book (in the WorldPhone). It is still possible to append, i.e. a
short number entry with number field "0047" means that it is possi-
ble to dial all Norwegian numbers. When a SIM card is inserted, the
SIM entries will
be merged with the "phone" entries.
The function is active for non-SIM operation and for one specific SIM
It applies to all ports of the
WorldPhone. Only one of the lists can be activated at one time.