WorldPhone Liberator – Chapter 4. Data Service
M e n u
M e n u
M e n u
Data/printer port setup
Data/printer port setup
port may be set to operate with a PC or, for instance, to
output a Traffic log directly to a printer
Note! The bit rate setting applies for both PC and printer transfer.
When printing f.ex. the Traffic log to the PC, the screen enters text
mode. To revert to data mode, the WorldPhone must be restarted.
Setup for data communication
Speed as selected on next page, normally 9600 bps.
Note! The bit rate set between the PC and the WorldPhone must
be higher than the nominal 2400 bps WorldPhone-to-satellite bit
rate to ensure maximum speed transfer.
No parity *
8 data bits *
1 stop bit *
* These parameters can only be changed using AT commands,
Setup for output to printer
A printer must have serial interface, and is set as follows:
Speed as selected on next page, i.e. the bit rate specified for the
printer to be connected.
No parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit