SKG Steam Humidifier
BACnet® Communication Module User Guide
A complete list of all BACnet objects for the NEPICSKG are listed in the following section. There are a total of
between 94 and 199 BACnet objects per NEPICSKG consisting of the following types:
Common for all SKG Models:
1 Analog Input (AI)
28 Analog Values (AV)
18 Binary Inputs (BI)
6 Binary Values (BV)
6 Multistate Values (MSV)
For each Tank (minimum 1, maximum 4):
9 Analog Inputs (AI)
Analog Values (AV)
6 Binary Inputs (BI)
16 Binary Values (BV)
1 Multistate Input (MSI)
So, the number of objects vs. the number of Tanks are listed in the following table:
Number of Tanks
Number of Objects
1 95
2 130
3 165
4 200
The Device Object has already been described. The following tables list all the BACnet properties supported for
each object type. Most of the properties are locked in. The exceptions are Present_Values, which represent the
dynamic operating values of the device, and the Status_Flags, Event_States and Reliabilitys which reflect the
availability of the Present_Values. Unless otherwise specified, properties are not changeable.