10 Glossary
Read-Only Memory. Memory in which stored data cannot
be modified by the user except under special conditions.
The process of returning a device to zero or to an initial or
arbitrarily selected condition.
The degree of screen image clarity. Video display resolution
is determined by the number of pixels on the screen. Reso-
lution is usually specified in pixels by scan lines, for exam-
ple, 640 by 480. See pixels.
Standard interface for serial devices. This port is sometimes
referred to as the serial port.
An optical device that reads printed material and converts it
to a computer screen image.
serial interface
An interface that communicates information one bit at
a time.
serial printer
A printer with a serial interface.
Small outline dual-inline memory module. A small circuit
board that holds memory chips. A dual in-line memory
module (DIMM) has a 64-bit path.