Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment A-5
Adjust the keyboard height so that your elbows are near
your body and your forearms are parallel to the floor,
with your forearms resting on either armrests or forearm
supports, in the manner described previously. If you do
not have armrests or forearm supports, your upper arms
should hang comfortably at your sides.
Adjust the keyboard slope so that your wrists are
straight while you are typing.
Type with your hands and wrists floating above the
keyboard. Use a wrist pad only to rest your wrists
between typing. Avoid resting your wrists on sharp
Type with your wrists straight. Instead of twisting your
wrists sideways to press hard-to-reach keys, move your
whole arm. Keep from bending your wrists, hands, or
fingers sideways.
Press the keys gently; do not bang them. Keep your
shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers relaxed.
Correct placement and adjustment of the screen or external
monitor can reduce eye, shoulder, and neck fatigue. Check
the following when you position the screen or external
Adjust the height of your screen or external monitor so
that the top of the screen is at or slightly below eye level.
Your eyes should look slightly downward when viewing
the middle of the screen or external monitor.
Position your screen or external monitor no closer than
30 centimeters (cm) and no further away than 70 cm
from your eyes. The optimal distance is between 35 and
45 cm.