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P a g e
The same MyCalls software will always be installed regardless of which MyCalls product you are
using. It is the license that determines the features that are available in the application. By default
the MyCalls databases are stored in SQL Server Express 2008 R2. This will allow a maximum
database size of 10GB which is approximately 50 million call records. If there is a requirement to
store more data than 10GB worth of data then SQL Server 2008 R2 can be used.
Telephone System
MyCalls will run on an SV9100 PBX running version 2 system software or greater.
MyCalls PC Specification
The MyCalls server is the PC that is responsible for communicating with the PBX and holding the
MyCalls databases. MyCalls clients can be installed
on users PC’s so that they can use the features
of the MyCalls application. A dedicated PC is strongly recommended for the MyCalls Server.
Minimum Hardware Specification
Intel Dual Core 2.0 GHz / Intel i3 Processor
Min 20GB of available Hard Disk Space *see note1
Operating systems:
Windows Server 2003 SP2
– 32 BIT only
Windows Vista Business, Ultimate and Enterprise 32 BIT only
Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise 32 and 64 BIT
Windows Server 2008 / R2
– 32 and 64 BIT
Windows 8 Professional and Enterprise 32 and 64 BIT
Windows Server 2012 / R2
MyCalls clients should be of the same minimum specification as the MyCalls server above.
*Note 1. MyCalls is installed automatically o
n the ‘C’ drive the install will fail if a ‘C’ drive isn’t
available. Sites that have high call volumes should use a PC higher than the minimum hardware
Thin Client and Virtualised Environments:
MyCalls is supported in some thin client environments, when installed in this way the MyCalls server
must be installed on a dedicated PC and then a MyCalls client should be installed for deployment on
the thin client server. Supported thin client environments are Terminal Services running on a
Windows Server 2008 and Citrix. Call playback is not supported in a thin client environment.
MyCalls is also supported on Hyper V running on a Windows Server 2008 / Windows Server 2012.
The PC Specification for running MyCalls Call Recorder and MyCalls Enterprise model is different,
refer to the separate MyCalls Call Recorder installation manual or the
section of this
manual for details.
Network Requirements
MyCalls uses TCPIP to communicate to the PBX and MyCalls client installations use DNS to
communicate to the MyCalls server. Both of these services need to be available before installing