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MyCalls Agent Control
MyCalls Agent Control uses a separate TCP connection to the SV9100 that allows agents and
supervisors to control their ACD status using the MyCalls application. It works by sending AIC logon
commands via the Agent Control TCP Port. An AIC code is created for each ACD group and when an
agent requests to login to ACD groups 1, 2 and 3, MyCalls will send 3 separate commands telling the
SV9100 to login the designated agent to groups 1, 2 and 3.
MyCalls uses ACD group 64 as a holding area for agents, if for example you login to groups 1, 2 and
3, MyCalls will first log you in to ACD group 64, then 1, 2 and 3. For this reason, the SV9100 should
not be programmed to deliver any calls to ACD group 64. There is a limit on the number of times an
agent can logon using AIC commands, after the agent has logged on using 16 different AIC code,
they will need to logout before they will be allowed to logon to any more groups. For these reasons,
an ACD agent can only logon to 15 ACD groups. It is not possible to control the status of an agent
while they are on an internal call.
MyCalls Agent Control requires a valid Agent Control License.
SV9100 Programming
Note: Agent Control requires SV9100 system software 7 of greater.
The TCP Port for Agent Control should be set in Wizards / Advanced Items / ACD / ACD MIS Setup,
set ACD Agent Control TCP Port Number to 4002. This item is set by the MyCalls Config Import Tool.
The remaining ACD programming must be done manually and is not done by the MyCalls config
Import Tool. Each Agent must be set to AIC login, Wizards / Advanced Items / ACD Agent Setup /
ACD Agent Log in Mode.