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Before any of the MyCalls products can be used, the correct MyCalls license should be installed. The
MyCalls license is usually downloaded from the LMS and stored in the SV9100. Initially after MyCalls
has been installed the Post Installation License check takes place, this will take you through the
process of reading the license from the SV9100. If this process is cancelled at any point, then the
license manager can be manually started from the Start / Programs / NEC Infrontia Menu.
As standard, each of the MyCalls products works with up to 512 extensions, to use more than this
number of extensions an extension expansion license is required.
After the license has been read from the SV9100, it will hold its own copy of the license. Only when
the license changes on the SV9100 would you need to reread the license from the SV9100. When
the license is read from the SV9100, it is necessary to register the license, there is a 15 day grace
period in which to complete the registration. The time it takes to read a license from the SV9100 can
vary based on the license type.
For details on MyCalls Enterprise licensing refer to the
MyCalls Enterprise License
section of this
The SV9100 needs to be licensed to use P Commands and SMDR, these are included in the MyCalls
license that is installed on the SV9100*. When MyCalls reads the license from the SV9100 it verifies
that the license in the SV9100 is valid. If MyCalls discovers that any licensing rules have been
incorrectly purchased or the license agreement breached then it may choose not to include them in
the license or invalidate the license.
Note: MyCalls will not be able to read a license while the 60 day trial is running on the SV9100.
Before reading the license from the SV9100, you should check that PRG 90-55-01 is set to 0. A
license will also need to be installed on the SV9100.
When the MyCalls license is registered it is bound to the CPU and MyCalls checks on start-up that it
is connected to the correct CPU. If a CPU is replaced then MyCalls will not start until the MyCalls
licenses exist on the new CPU. When the licenses exist on the new CPU, the license should be re-
read and re-registered using the license manager.
* MyCalls Desktop requires the 3
Party CTI license to be installed on the SV9100.