FC Port Configuration
Select "4. Configuration"
"5. FC Port Configuration" to set the following items.
Set the Target ID Configuration of individual specification.
Indicates port positions.
Link Attach
Specify link topology. (Select a proper value from the pull-down menu.)
0: FC-AL or Fabric
2: Only FC-AL
3: Only Fabric
Select "2" or "3".
Indicates the bit meaning on the screen (with a hexadecimal number). The
following two modes can be set currently. Set either one.
Host Director Port
: 0000
Replication Director Port : 0040
Provide setting for Switch.
See Table 1.2.2 for the rule on loop ID assignment.
See Table 1.2.1 for the relation between the switch setting value and AL_PA.
Data Rate
Set the data rate of the FC link. (Select a proper value from the pull-down
0: Auto Negotiate
8: 1Gbps
9: 2Gbps
F: Undecided
Select "8" or "9".
Indicates AL_PA.