Mounting (for Customer)
Please contact your supplier as they may be able to provide a list of qualified installation professionals. Mounting on a wall or
ceiling and hiring a technician is the customer’s responsibility.
• Periodically check for loose screws, gaps, distortions, or other problems that may occur with the mounting equipment.
If a problem is detected, please refer to qualified personnel for service.
• Regularly check the mounting location for signs of damage or weakness that may occur over time.
Changing the Logo Ornament Position
When using the monitor in the portrait position, the logo ornament position can be changed.
Removing the logo ornament: Unscrew the installed screw then take off the logo ornament.
Attaching the logo ornament: Make sure the holes for the screws on the logo ornament and the holes for the screws on the
bezel are aligned. Install the logo ornament with the screws, which are used for installing the logo ornament. (Recommended
Fasten Force: 30-40 N•cm).
Do not use any other screw to install the logo ornament.
Screw hole