After installation, it’s necessary to check the correct
operation of the device. before to start you must
discharge the leisure battery first (about 25% less then
the full charge) by switching on some of the appliances
connected to the system: lights and TV for example.
after that you can continue as follow.
1. With the engine off, measure (with the multimeter)
the leisure battery’s voltage.
2. Set the device switch to 1.
3. start-up the engine.
4. When the LED relevant to alternator charging starts
to blink, check that the leisure battery’s voltage is
greater than the previously measured value.
5. Wait for two flashes of the device LED, followed by a
pause and check with a current CLAMP METER that
the charge current is equal to the maximum current
of the POWER SERVICE UNIT (this phase could last a
few seconds if the leisure battery is completely
6. With a multimeter measure the voltage on the
starter battery poles, then measure the voltage
between Terminal N°.1 and Terminal N°.3 of the
UNIT and verify that the
difference between the two is not higher than 0.7V.
If it is, a cable with a larger cross section is needed
to connect to Terminal N°.3. It may also be necessary
to improve the ground connection (always take the
measurement while the engine is running).