© National Instruments Corporation
VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series
VMEbus System Controller, B-3
VXIbus CLK10. See CLK10 signal.
VXIbus functionality, B-4
VXIbus P1 and P2 connector
illustration, D-11
P1 connector signals (table), D-11
to D-12
P2 connector signals (table), D-12
VXIbus slot
configuration options (table), 2-4
non-Slot 0 configurations, 2-5
Slot 0 configuration, 2-5
VXIINIT program
troubleshooting error messages, J-1
to J-2
definition, 1-1
hardware description, 1-2
models, compared, 1-1
modifying and installing I/O expansion
boards, E-1
optional equipment, 1-2
optional software, 1-2
plug-in boards
height of, F-1 to F-3
length of, F-3 to F-7
questions and answers, I-1 to I-7
troubleshooting, J-1 to J-4