Chapter 1
VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series
© National Instruments Corporation
Optional Software
National Instruments offers several software products that are compatible with the VXIpc-486
Series computers. These products include the NI-VXI bus interface software, which you can use
to program VXI directly, and the NI-488.2 software, which you can use to control external GPIB
instruments from your VXIpc-486. Also available are VXI Software Development Systems for
LabVIEW for Windows, LabWindows
for DOS, and LabWindows/CVI. For more information
on software available from National Instruments, refer to Appendix A, National Instruments
You can also order the Super VGA video option for your VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series. The
Super VGA option is compatible with DOS and with Windows 3.1 or above. You can benefit
from the improved graphic image from Super VGA if you want to edit or view an especially
complex image in graphics or CAD programs. If you ordered your VXIpc-486 with Super VGA
already installed, you must modify the system settings as described in Appendix H, Configuring
the Super VGA Option. This appendix also includes installation instructions in case you order
this option at a later date.
Hardware Description
The VXIpc-486 Series computers are custom VXI computers that you install directly in your
VXI mainframe to achieve the smallest possible physical size for a VXI system. An embedded
computer can take full advantage of the VXI high-performance backplane capabilities and give
you direct control of VXI registers, memory, and triggers.
The VXIpc-486 computers are available in one-slot and two-slot versions. The VXIpc-486/1
requires one VXIbus slot and contains an internal hard disk drive. An optional external floppy
drive is available for transferring files between the VXIpc-486 and other PCs. The VXIpc-486/2
is available in various combinations of internal hard disk drive, internal floppy disk drive, and
PC-compatible I/O expansion kits. The optional external floppy drive is compatible with
VXIpc-486/1 and VXIpc-486/2 models without an internal floppy drive.
All models have connectors for an external floppy drive, a VGA or Super VGA monitor, a GPIB
interface, serial and parallel ports, and VXI clock and trigger signals.