Appendix F
VXIpc-486 Plug-in Boards
© National Instruments Corporation
VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series
PC AT Height
Plug-in Board
PC Height
Plug-in Board
Hard Disk
Side View
Figure F-3. Installing PC AT-Height Boards in a VXIpc-486 System
Length of VXIpc-486 Plug-in Boards
This section discusses the restrictions on the length of the boards that can be installed into the
expansion kit on a VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series computer. When you install a plug-in board,
the front end of the board (the end that sticks out of the VXIpc-486 front panel) is firmly
supported because it is screwed to the front panel of the VXIpc-486. A user-defined bracket is
required on the expansion boards per National Instruments drawing 181300-01, PC/AT Card
Blank Panel. The considerations on the length of the plug-in boards regard support for the back
end of the board.
Figure F-4 shows the VXIpc-486 expansion kit with no boards installed. Notice that the
expansion kit has a metal plate and moveable brackets that can move along the metal plate to
support the back end of the plug-in boards (refer to Figure F-5). Two moveable brackets are
required to support two boards. The one-board version is installed, while the two-board version
is available separately as kit number 776713-02. The longest board that the moveable bracket
can support is 8.2 in. Notice, however, that there are fixed supports for the PC AT board at the
back of the module.