Appendix I
Common Questions
© National Instruments Corporation
VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series
How do I connect an external speaker to the VXIpc-486 to get audio capability?
A twisted-pair cable connects the front panel AUDIO/TRG OUT connector to the VXIpc-486
motherboard. By default, this cable is connected to two pins at J17 on the motherboard. With
this configuration, TTL trigger signals can be passed out the front panel connector. For audio
capability, connect the cable to the two pins at J13. Connect the external speaker to the front
panel connector. The center pin of the SMB connector provides the audio signal. The shield of
the SMB connector is GROUND.
How do I add more RAM to the VXIpc-486? What is the maximum amount of RAM that I
can have on the VXIpc-486?
To add more RAM to the VXIpc-486, you need have to change the SIMMs that reside in slots
A1 and A2 of the VXIpc-486. The SIMMs used for the VXIpc-486 Model 200 Series differ
from those used for the Model 500 Series. The maximum amount of RAM on a VXIpc-486
Model 500 Series is 32 MB.
attempt to change the factory RAM configuration of a two-slot VXIpc-486
module. You must return your VXIpc-486/2 module to National Instruments for
SIMM installation or else you will void your warranty.
National Instruments recommends the following types of SIMMs for use with the VXIpc-486
Model 500 Series controllers:
1 MB:
Hitachi part number HB56G25636B-7AL or equivalent 256 KB x 36 SIMMs
4 MB:
Toshiba part number THM361020ASG-70 or equivalent 1 MB x 36 SIMMs
16 MB:
Toshiba part number THM364020SG-70 or equivalent 4 MB x 36 SIMMs
The physical dimensions of the 1 MB and 4 MB SIMMs are as follows:
107.95 mm in length
5.08 mm in thickness
25.4 mm in height
The physical dimensions of the 16 MB SIMM are as follows:
107.95 mm in length
9.4 mm in thickness
25.4 mm in height
Do not exceed these physical dimensions when choosing an equivalent SIMM.