© National Instruments Corporation
VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series
Appendix F
VXIpc-486 Plug-in Boards
This appendix discusses several considerations with regard to the height and length of plug-in
boards used in an expansion kit for the VXIpc-486.
The VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series computer has several configurations that include an expansion
kit for installing plug-in boards. There are considerations for these plug-in boards that may be a
bit confusing. The information in this appendix is intended to clarify the different configurations
by describing the considerations for plug-in boards for the VXIpc-486.
Height of VXIpc-486 Plug-in Boards
The key issue to consider for plug-in PC boards for the VXIpc-486 is the height of the plug-in
PC board. Our literature distinguishes between a PC board and a PC AT board in describing the
different expansion kit configurations. When our literature refers to PC versus PC AT, it is a
reference to the height of the board, rather than whether the board has a 16-bit or 8-bit interface
to the PC bus. Both connectors for plug-in boards support both 8-bit and 16-bit boards. The
issue is the physical space requirements. The height of a plug-in board is defined as the overall
dimension from the bottom of the bus connector to the top of the board, as shown in Figure F-1.
Height = 4.8 in.
PC AT Board
Height = 4.2 in.
PC Board
Bus Connector
Top of Board
Figure F-1. Height Comparison of PC Boards Versus PC AT Boards