VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series
© National Instruments Corporation
changing factory configuration
(warning), 2-10, I-5
configuration, 2-10
factory configuration (table), 2-1
options (table), 2-10
disabling automatic memory check
during booting, I-7
memory map locations (table), G-1
recommended DRAM SIMMs, 2-11, I-5
RESMAN program
hanging the system, J-2
warning/error messages for nonexistent
devices, J-2
ruggedized chassis and bulkhead cables, I-2
SCSI devices, connecting to VXIpc-486, I-3
serial connectors
COM1, D-3
COM2/GPIO connector, D-4
SETUP program. See BIOS setup.
Slot 0 configuration
configuration options (table), 2-4
configurations A through D, 2-5
damage caused by installing VXIpc-486
in wrong slot (warning), 2-5
factory configuration (table), 2-1
questions and answers, I-6
NI-488.2, A-1
LabVIEW, A-1 to A-2
LabWindows, A-1 to A-2
optional, 1-2
speakers, adding, I-5
cooling requirements, B-2
CPU, B-1
emissions, B-2
IEEE 488, B-3
VMEbus master/slave, B-3
VMEbus System Controller, B-3
VXIbus, B-4
operating environment, B-2
physical, B-1 to B-2
power requirements, B-2
storage environment, B-2
storage environment, B-2
Super VGA option, configuring, H-1 to H-2
installing drivers, H-2
modifying system settings, H-1 to H-2
switches. See jumpers and switches.
SYSFAIL LED, 2-12, C-1, I-1
System Controller
factory configuration (table), 2-1
functions of, 2-1
VMEbus, B-3
system RAM. See RAM.
technical support
fax and phone numbers, K-1
information to gather before calling
National Instruments, J-1
TEST LED, C-1, I-1
trigger input. See external trigger input.
troubleshooting, J-1 to J-4
cannot access hard disk (HDD), J-3
information to gather before calling
National Instruments, J-1
ISA bus plug-in cards, J-3
network problems, J-3 to J-4
questions and answers, I-7
RESMAN problems, J-2
running VXIINIT without hanging up
system, J-2
VXIINIT error messages, J-3
TURBO LED, C-2, I-1 to I-2
VGA connector
illustration, D-2
signals (table), D-2
video display
configuring Super VGA option, H-1
to H-2
questions and answers, I-3 to I-4
VGA connector
illustration, D-2
signals (table), D-2
VMEbus master/slave functionality, B-3