© National Instruments Corporation
VXIpc-486 Model 500 Series
32-bit registers, accessing, I-2
address space, setting, 4-7
audio capability, adding, I-5
audio/trigger output. See external
audio/trigger output.
automatic memory checking, disabling, I-7
BIOS setup
default configuration parameters
(table), 3-2
extended features, 3-2
parameters (table), 3-3
questions and answers, I-7
running Setup program, 3-1
I/O expansion boards, modifying and
installing, E-1
ISA bus board
questions and answers, I-6
troubleshooting, J-3
VXIpc-486 plug-in boards
height of, F-1 to F-3
length of, F-3 to F-7
bulkhead cables, I-2
capability codes, IEEE 488, B-3
CLK10 signal
CLK10 generation, 2-7
external CLK10, 2-8
external CLK10 termination, 2-8
factory configuration (table), 2-1
non-Slot 0 configuration, 2-5
options (table), 2-4
Slot 0 configurations, 2-5
VXIbus CLK10, 2-7
questions and answers, I-3
CLK10 signal, external. See external
CLK10 signal.
COM1 connector
illustration, D-3
signals (table), D-3
COM2/GPIO connector
COM2 signals (table), D-4
GPIO signals (table), D-4
illustration, D-4
plugging in serial devices, I-4
common questions, I-1 to I-7
configuration. See also installation.
BIOS setup
default configuration parameters
(table), 3-2
extended features, 3-2
parameters (table), 3-3
questions and answers, I-7
running Setup program, 3-1
CLK10 signal
CLK10 generation, 2-7
external CLK10, 2-8
termination of external CLK10, 2-8
VXIbus CLK10, 2-7
DMA channel use (table), G-4
external audio/trigger output, 2-10
external trigger input, 2-9
factory configuration, 2-1 to 2-2
I/O address map (table), G-2
installed system RAM, 2-10 to 2-11
interrupt line use (table), G-3
memory map locations (table), G-1
MODID signal termination, 2-6
non-Slot 0, 2-5
parts locator diagram, 2-2 to 2-3
procedure for modifying factory
configuration, 2-3
Slot 0, 2-5
Super VGA option, H-1 to H-2