NGSLR Operations Manual
Shutting down the System
Document Number:
P a g e |
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NASA NGSLR OPS Manual (v1.0)
7 Shutting down the System
The following equipment should never be turned off!*
GPS Time and Frequency Receiver (XL DC)
Computer Clock Sync Interface (CCSI)
Cesium Frequency Standard
Event Timer (ET)
Range Gate Generator (RGG)
Constant Fraction Discriminator
The NIM Crate
Power Distribution Box
*Except in the case of an emergency that presents possible danger to personnel or equipment.
Turn off the devices listed in the instructions below. Leave both large monitors at the Operators Console ON.
If running, stop the POP software
at the POP keyboard.
Log out of DAM & POP
Log out of DAM/POP by typing
exit <ENTER>
at the POP screen.
Shut down the laser controller and exit the laser control software
a. Click on the SHUTDOWN button on the laser control software.
b. Once the SHUTDOWN button turns bright green, close the PI Laser Control window.
Exit the Star Camera Software
Exit the Star Camera program on the Camera computer if running.
Leave the Camera computer
The lights must remain OFF in the back area until the High Voltage Power supply
for the PMT is shut off! Otherwise, permanent damage to the PMT could result.
Slide the protective card in front of the light tight box to the BLOCKED position
This is in place as a
manual backup to the shutter.
Turn off the Bertran High Voltage Power supply
a. Ramp down in 500 V steps to 450 V.
b. Turn OFF the device.
Turn OFF the SLR Power Strip
Physically shut off the Laser
a. Turn Laser Enable key to off position. Remove key and put in designated location.
b. Flip On/Off red rocker switch labeled Power on the laser driver to the OFF position.
Close the dome
a. Set the shutter to CLOSE.
b. Turn key to ENABLE and wait for dome to close.
c. When dome has closed completely, turn the key back to the upright position.
Turn off the LHRS radar
Turn off the local controller at the top of Rack #1 (See Figure 7 1).