NGSLR Operations Manual
Preparing for Tracking Operations
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NASA NGSLR OPS Manual (v1.0)
3.2 Power Up Sequence
Power up each device in the rack in the order shown on Figure 3 3
1) Servo (mount) controller: Main power
2) Servo (mount) controller: Control power
Rightmost switch (AUX PWR) always stays OFF (down)
3) Turn the ICC computer ON
(The ICC software starts automatically after booting)
4) Dome shutter controller
5) Dome motor driver
6) Dome controller
NASA Radar Controller
Special care must be taken not to cycle power on the equipment with a yellow warning label. These systems must
remain running at all times and should not be disturbed!
The following equipment should never be turned off!*
GPS Time and Frequency Receiver (XL DC)
Computer Clock Sync Interface (CCSI)
Cesium Frequency Standard
Event Timer (ET)
Range Gate Generator (RGG)
Constant Fraction Discriminator
The NIM Crate
Power Distribution Box
*Except in the case of an emergency that presents possible danger to personnel or equipment.