NGSLR Operations Manual
Performing MINICO and Stability Tests
Document Number:
P a g e |
5 1
NASA NGSLR OPS Manual (v1.0)
Make sure the laser is firing at the correct rate
(approx. 2 kHz) This should show up on the main RAT
menu (Figure 6 13).
Figure 6 13: Ratgui main window showing that the SLR laser is firing at 2 kHz
Open the View => O C Range Plot to visually see the returns
Go to View => Quad Detector window to show the actual signal counts
(Figure 6 14)
Verify that the system is receiving between 40 and 200 signal counts
(Figure 6 14) If necessary, adjust
the rotary ND filters to achieve the appropriate number of returns (See note below).
Figure 6 14: Quad Detector window
Adjusting the Rotary ND filters
: The default number of ND s applied by the rotary ND s is 2.0. Look at the signal counts
shown in Figure 6 14. If it isn t in between 40 and 200, remove or add ND s using the
Number of ND s Used
entry in the
window to get the number of returns within an appropriate range (Figure 6 11).
Begin to Collect Data
Go to the
menu and from the
Data Logging
pull down menu, set
All Returns
and select
Continue collecting returns for one hour
(or as specified by the development team)
Exit POP to stop collecting returns
To do this, go to the DAM/POP console and type