NGSLR Operations Manual
Performing MINICO and Stability Tests
Document Number:
P a g e |
4 9
NASA NGSLR OPS Manual (v1.0)
6.2 Performing a Stability Test
This test verifies stability of the system delay over a designated period of time to a stationary ground target.
This section assumes that all equipment and software are running and configured as defined in Section 3.
Ensure that the MCP has been powered up for 20 30 minutes to achieve good data stability
Ensure the area is clear around the calibration pier
Use the Mount Camera Monitor to ensure that
personnel are not near the calibration pier. The operator is required to remain vigilant and verify that
personnel do not enter the calibration area during the test.
At the DAM/POP terminal (screen #2), start the operational software by typing:
/prod/bin/pop –I <ENTER>
Be sure to start the POP software on the top part of the minute (between 5 and 25 seconds into the minute) as listed
on the GPS Time and Frequency Receiver. POP can potentially crash if it is started too close to the rollover of the minute,
which will result in a long reboot (~15 minutes).
Hit all the Apply buttons on all of the RAT control menus
This sends the operator override settings to
the DAM/POP software.
Verify Weather Measurements
Ensure that the meteorological data displayed accurately reflects
current weather conditions outside the shelter (Figure 6 9). Note that if the values for
Sky Clarity
, then most likely the Sky Camera software on the Camera computer is not running.
Figure 6 9: Labeled diagram of a portion of the Ratgui main window showing weather information