ArchiTech Series Features
ArchiTech series locks support most standard Networx features (e.g. Entry Delay, GP2 Toggles Passage Mode, etc.)
that are available in DL-Windows. For more information regarding all of the features available with your ArchiTech
series lock, see OI382 and OI383. Below are descriptions of several features and functions pertaining to the Ar-
chiTech series models enrolled within a Networx system.
See the Glossary definition of "
" on page
42 before proceeding.
Functions Tab
Program / Passage Button
By default the "
Program / Passage
" button is enabled, allowing
for the sustained passage through the door without a credential.
If you check the
Disable Passage Mode Activation
check box,
the "
Program / Passage
" button will be disabled, thus
sustained Passage Mode via the "
Program / Passage
" but-
The "
Program / Passage
" button's use with program-
ming is not affected (for information about the "
Program / Pas-
" button, see page 8).
Hardware Selection
Automatic Deadbolt (No Passage Override)
The ArchiTech 9500 series (mortise) locks can be used with
an "automatic" deadbolt causing the deadbolt to be extended
immediately upon door closure. Because an extended dead-
bolt (by default) cancels Passage mode, if you wish for Pas-
sage Mode to be sustained after an automatic deadbolt exten-
sion, this
Automatic Deadbolt
checkbox must be checked.
Automatic Deadbolt
is checked, Passage Mode
(via an unlock Schedule or "
Program / Passage
" button press,
etc.) will be sustained indefinitely until cancelled (via a lock
Schedule or subsequent "
Program / Passage
" button press).
Enable One-Time Entry option
Used with the above-described
Automatic Deadbolt
Enable One-Time Entry option
allows for Passage
Mode to be automatically canceled after the door is closed for
a second time. Thus, if a door (equipped with an "automatic" deadbolt) is opened, and sustained Passage
Mode is enabled via a "
Program / Passage
" button press, the door can be closed, re-opened (without a creden-
tial) and will lock upon a second door closure.
A 15 second " window of opportunity" begins after the first door closure allowing re-entry
and re-exit (second door closure) without canceling sustained Passage.
The above function is dependent on the position of the deadbolt, not the door position (Door Con-
tact Sensor is not required for this function).
For ArchiTech series models that are equipped with Bluetooth LE technology, if you wish to disable Bluetooth con-
nectivity for a specific Lock Profile (lock will ignore Bluetooth credentials), check the
Disable Bluetooth Connectivi-
checkbox. For more information about Bluetooth connectivity, see page 33.
Smart Pass
After a valid credential has been presented, the ArchiTech series lock will remain unlocked for 30 seconds OR
until the door closes. Enabling this feature overrides the existing Pass Time duration.
The above function
is dependent upon the door position (Door Contact Sensor required).
Locking Mode
Enable Toggle Mode (Manual Relock)
See page 24, Function 67, feature 58, "Enable Toggle Mode (Manual Relock) for more information.
"DL-Windows Mode" Operation / Features (cont'd)