; 3 5 ;
[ _ _ _ ]
[ _ _ _ _ ]
(User Number) (Groups)
35. Group Add/Delete Association
As per the chart on page 7, the lock's default programming from the factory associates certain User Numbers with certain
Groups. To override these default Group associations, Function 35 manually associates (or disassociates) a selected
User with a selected Group. During programming, Groups not selected are then disassociated from the User. Function
35 is helpful when the number of Users you wish to add to a Group outgrows the number of User Numbers defaulted to a
Group (50); or if an existing User joins a department and you wish to simply add them to a Group.
User Number must be between 2 and 5000; Groups 1-4 (to associate with User) may be selected.
Add Example
: To associate User 67 with Groups 1, 2 and 4;
; 3 5 ; 6 7 ; 1 2 4 :
Delete Example
: To remove all Group associations for User 67;
; 3 5 ; 6 7 :
If a User is associated with more than one Group,
associated Groups would have to be disabled before the User is disabled.
36. Reserved
Clear All Timeout Functions by entering Function 13.
"Keypad Programming" Functions (cont'd)
25 - 34. Reserved
; 3 7 ;
[ _ _ _ ]
[ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]
(User Number (MMDDYY)
must be 7002+)
37. Expiration Date for Bluetooth
Used with J and T "style" ArchiTech series locks that contain Bluetooth LE technology to allow for entry via a smartphone
app (see page 33 for details). Feature 37 allows you to disable Bluetooth connectivity for a single user at midnight on a
specific date.
Only the last two digits of the year are currently supported, therefore entering a date prior to the
current date will immediately disable Bluetooth connectivity. For example, entering "00" for the "YY" year will designate
the year 2000, and will therefore immediately disable Bluetooth connectivity.
Only User Numbers 7002 and greater are valid for this command.