User's Manual
of GNF001
Version 1, July 2023
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* Only qualified maintenance person using the appropriate tools can do
operation on the system maintenance of The company. low-speed Benchtop
Air-refrigerate Centrifuge.
* If encountered the cases not mentioned in the manual, please contactThe
company. or authorized dealers fromThe company. to ask the right approach.
* Use the accessories supplied byThe company. as far as possible. If you want to
use other accessories,The company. will not be responsible for the adverse
consequences. However, users can submit an application to theThe company. to verify
compliance with theThe company. equipment accessories requirements.
* Inspections and maintenance of the The company. low-speed
BenchtopAir-refrigerate Centrifuge must be conducted at the specified time intervals.
Security Warning Signs Description
Caution: Before using of equipment, please read the Manual carefully!
Caution: low pressure dangerous! Electricity!
The meaning of Security Statement
In order to avoid any injury or damage to the person, equipment or environment,
please comply with all the security statements in this manual.
Besides the measures for accident prevention, environmental protection and the
security and professional career common rules, the user should obey all the rules and
laws of the country and local region.
The consequences of ignoring safety procedures
Any action ignoring the safety procedure, the law and rules, or other relative
rules will cause damage and danger to the person, device and environment.
Warning: When handling the centrifuge, do not force the front
cover/invert the machine, otherwise it will cause catastrophic damage
to the machine!