User's Manual
of GNF001
Version 1, July 2023
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The copyright of this manual belongs toThe company. Nobody is allowed to
re-print or disseminate any information of the contents of this manual, including
pictures and audio-visual products.
Equipment operators can copy some chapters of this manual, but it’s only for
internal use. Such as the chapters of how to deal with emergency cases for the
operators. From the directory of the manual, you can find where those chapters are.
If there is any damage of the equipments caused by the users who did’t follow
the statements of “the using environment of equipment”,The company. will not be
responsible for it.
In the case of without any proper notice,The company. has the right to amend the
contents of this using manual at any time.
Environmental Conditions
In order to ensure the safety of using the machines, the centrifuge
may be damaged by following factors:
Chemical effects
Environmental impacts, including radiation of natural UV;
The corrosion and abrasion and wear of shield and other security
* Indoor use;
* The applicable temperature range for the instrument is: +5
* Relative humidity is
* The scope of power supply for the instrument is AC110V 50HZ/60HZ
* Adequate ventilation should be available indoor;
* No vibration or airflow around which may effect the performance of the
* No conductive explosive dust or corrosive dust around.
Safety Tips
* Please read this manual carefully for the first-time using!
* The company. low-speed BenchtopAir-refrigerate Centrifuge can only be operated
by trained or authorized persons;
* The maintenance of the instrument can only be done byThe company. or
authorized dealers ofThe company..;
* Please NEVER use the following materials in the centrifuge:
Inflammable and explosive materials;
Strengthen chemical materials;
Toxic or radioactive substances or pathogenic micro-organisms and so on.